Join Our Mission

Founded in 2004 by North Carolina REALTORS®, the NC REALTORS® Housing Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charity that provides resources to create, expand and encourage homeownership opportunities for deserving North Carolinians. The foundation promotes awareness of affordable housing issues by educating North Carolinians and their representatives about the barriers to homeownership and the resources needed to increase housing affordability.

NC REALTORS® Housing Foundation also provides emergency disaster relief for victims who have lost their home through a natural disaster. We raise funds from caring donors who want to build stable families and stable communities in our state.

Donate online or via text today or with a recurring gift. Donations may be tax deductible.

NEW!    When you donate online, you now have the option to make a one-time contribution or recurring contributions!



More Ways to Help

NC REALTORS® Gives Back Initiative

What is NC REALTORS® Gives Back?

NC REALTORS® Gives Back is a way for local associations and their members to come together and participate in a housing-related service project in their area.

NC REALTORS® can donate online to help support the annual statewide NC REALTORS® Gives Back initiative. The money raised will be collected by the Housing Foundation and then used to assist local association Gives Back Day projects through matching grants. To donate online, please select “Other” and type in “NCR Gives Back.”

Get the whole community involved by inviting family, friends, and other organizations to participate!

Closing Contribution

Show Clients You Care By Making a Closing Contribution

Set yourself apart from the competition and show clients that you really care about your community by making a contribution to NC REALTORS® Housing Foundation in their names. Some REALTORS® and housing industry partners have committed a certain amount for each of their closings; others make a contribution as a closing gift. Either way, your clients will see that you are an ardent supporter of helping those less fortunate in your community achieve the dream of homeownership.

When you enroll in the closing contribution program, NC REALTORS® Housing Foundation will provide you with customized, high-quality certificates to use in your listing presentations and to present to your clients at the closing table. You decide how much you want to donate per closing and when you want to make the donation. Some REALTORS® send their contributions after each closing, some send them quarterly and a handful remit them at the end of the year.

Participating in the closing contribution program is a small gesture that makes a big impression on clients and prospective clients. And getting started is easy. Just complete the Enrollment Form and email it to Kentia Smith, at

License Plate

Get the License Plate that Supports Housing Affordability!

Every NC REALTORS® Housing Foundation license plate increases housing opportunities throughout North Carolina. $20 of the special fee comes back to NC REALTORS® Housing Foundation as a charitable contribution. We turn these contributions into grants to organizations that help hardworking families with their housing needs.

Why get a plate?

  • Supports affordable housing with an automatic, annual $20 contribution.
  • Supports the business you’re in.
  • The personal message builds your image.

Where are they available?

You can purchase a NC REALTORS® Housing Foundation license plate at any NC Dept. of Motor Vehicles license plate office or on its website.

How do I purchase a plate online?

To find information on the DMV website, search for the “NC REALTORS® Housing Foundation” plate in the alphabetical list. Once you pull-up the NC REALTORS® Housing Foundation license plate, you can purchase and personalize the plate online. To purchase a plate, you’ll need to have your current vehicle registration info handy.

For a quicker checkout, go directly to this DMV page.

Our Impact
  • $1.5 Million

    In community investment across the state of North Carolina
  • $130,000

    Given through down payment assistance
  • $21,000

    in Regional Project Grants
  • 1,450

    Individuals and families served during disaster relief
  • $500,000+

    in Matching Grants
  • $647,000+

    Total investment including contributions together with local REALTORS